Atomic Overmind Press

Reign: Realities - Saga of Dust and Bone

Midgard, Broken

The world wasn’t always like this. To hear the old-timers tell their stories, their parents or grandparents knew a different Midgard than the one we live in. It weren’t all green and lush, though parts of it were. What they talk about most is that things were different. There were places that were bone-chilling cold, places where ice never left the ground. There were places where rivers cut through valleys, where water crashed down cliffsides. Midgard was varied, with as many different types of landscapes as there were people walking through them. 

Not like it is now. 

The World as it is Now

It ain’t much to look at, but it’s home. Been some hundred years or so since the dwarves left the world, and we’re starting to regain something of what was taken from us. Their technology helps. Some still spit when they see the shine of dwarven metal on a body as they walk through town, but it’s better to use it than starve to death. Damn useful stuff, you ask me. Still, you wanted a look at the way the world is now, so that’s what you’re gonna get.

A Norse Western Apocalypse

Saga of Dust and Bone is a bunch of great tastes that taste great together. The same epic Norse feel of the original Iron Edda games is baked in, along with a hefty dose of the American Western, and a side of the post-apocalypse. All of these things combine together rather well. Post-apocalyptic fiction tends to have some of a Western about it, and Norse influences feed right into that. There’s an odd-sounding mix of jargon, with last names like Banesdottir sitting next to American contractions like ain’t. Even as I was writing this supplement, if I found myself veering too much into one of the three components, the other two pulled me back in their directions.

The end result is a setting where these three elements pull against and compliment one another. Norse-style honor duels turn into pistols at dawn. The anguish of post-apocalyptic scarcity is answered with the determination of Norse ideals. The dust of the Western is the barren land of the post-apocalypse, is the frozen northern wastes of Norse fantasy.  

Norse-style honor duels turn into pistols at dawn. The anguish of post-apocalyptic scarcity is answered with the determination of Norse ideals. The dust of the Western is the barren land of the post-apocalypse, is the frozen northern wastes of Norse fantasy. Write your very own Saga of Dust and Bone! 

Reign: Realities - Saga of Dust and Bone requires the Reign: Rules book to play.